About Kasauli
Our Story
Kasauli- The Queen of the Hills
Though Himachal is studded with several excellent hill resorts by virtue of its general terrain, Kasauli, a little gem that prefers to preserve its scintilla for few, has its own charm and splendor. The place was planned as a retreat for the British. Though the mandarins of the Empire have left, the landscape has not changed much.
Everything around, that is a part of nature, is an ideal place for the birth of all that is bright and beautiful; all that is good and soul satisfying. It is precisely because of this reason that those who are on a same wavelength as is nature, keep coming to Kasauli again and again…….In and Around:
Kasauli just does not have its scenic splendor to boast of. This is a town that holds onto the colonial legacy with ferocity. While the ‘Church of England’ continues to exert its magical attraction on visitors young and old, the Tapp’s Nose (Manki Point) is popular with tourists due to spiritual quest.
The Kasauli Club still continues to be a focal point for social meetings, sports and gracious living keeping intact its reputation for good food, good drink and a smart social circle.
The importance of Kasauli is not just for the vestiges of the past but for the traditions carried into the future as well. The unspoilt place provides an ideal environment for the nurturing of young minds. The Lawrence School and the Central Research Institute are establishments of international repute.
Of This Day:
Don’t forget to carry home, the much sought after wines and special chuli oil (wild apricot oil) from Gupta Jee’s Store. Also add to your book shelf the memories of your visit to the town, “Kasauli – Pines, Wines & Old Times”, the maiden book on Kasauli available at Kasauli Residency and Gupta Brothers. Signed copies also made available on demand.